Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Let Us Consider The Current Crisis

Maybe the world has gone a bit mad - I went to Tesco's yesterday, the shelves were bare of pasta, tomatoes, toilet rolls, biscuits, flour, potatoes.  Oh! Oh!, disaster.. Now, nothing I wanted was missing - is it me? OK, lots of those things (flour, potatoes) were not on my shopping list, and I have a couple of packets of toilet rolls, same as always, but there seemed to be plenty of lovely food. Green veg, onions, cold and raw meat, fish, all manner of stuff in and out of tins.. Hmmm. Is everyone going to eat pasta with a boring sauce? or throw all this madness away in 6 months time?

Class went ahead today. There were 6 of us, so HB made a very very small profit. We put out a handwash bowl and sat somewhat apart, but everyone was glad to get together. How much mental health will be damaged by isolation? How many suicides? How many sadnesses.

So, I suspect this will all peter out in a few weeks; my hope is that we can make something good from the bad - social distancing is the wrong words, should be physical distancing. We need to communicate - send emails, postcards, texts, keep the isolated in the loop. And share - patterns, recipes, love and common-sense. If the world learns to keep the colds and flus away from the vulnerable, to wash their hands and to apply common decency to all we do, all to the good.. Look at the Italians - singing on balconies!
And, no commuting drive, time to sit in front of the fire together, fuss your cats. I’m attempting to get the house sorted, the bike ridden, and the garden gardened, all in small increments…
And lots of ironing

And to communicate...
Cat is happy...
Yes, that's my hat underneath her