Saturday, February 1, 2020

I miss...

... being able to tell you what has happened, odd sightings, birds, hares, shadows, this shop has closed and another opened, I saw X today and s/he asked after you.  It seems such a shame to leave you out of the interesting stuff that populates the days..

Today, I finally attacked the summer house - all the cardboard boxes  are sorted and put in the shed for using up - I really don't need quite so many, but they will run out. the sun was shining, and I sat in my lovely chair and ate my lunch with birds twittering and the cat complaining.. There's a man coming on Monday to see if I can get a wood-burner installed so I can use the space all year round, and this should take away the slightly damp air and mean I can make a space for dismantling machines - very important, as I don't want to drag machines up and down the stairs..

And the physio has finally got me back to the qigong, only a little so far, and indoors, and so no need to be self-conscious - what made that happen, do you suppose? And core strength. I was shocked to find out how little I have left...

Now, it's time for fire, and tv, and a bit of collating-of-orders, which always seems like more work than it actually is.. And a cup of tea. And one piece of chocolate, because I need to be a bit less, but not too much less.

I was recommended to "Well-being" services, but cannot see what I could draw from this. "Living with Diabetes"? I think I know how to do that. And CBT for low self-esteem.  Hmmm. I don't have that. What I do is good, I just want to be happier and not broken.

Oh, my lovely man, I wish I could talk to you...

Perhaps I can, here, even if you aren't listening. Bless you and sleep tight...